
Southern River HC


 What is Concussion?

  1. Concussion is caused by trauma to the brain, which can be either direct or indirect (e.g., whiplash injury). When the forces transmitted to the brain are high enough, they can injure or ‘stun’ the nerves and affect how the brain functions. 
  2. Concussion is characterised by a range of observable clues and signs (e.g., lying motionless on the ground, blank or vacant look, balance difficulties or motor incoordination) or symptoms reported by the player (e.g., headache, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, balance problems, fatigue and feeling ‘not quite right’).
  3. Other common features of concussion include confusion, memory loss and reduced ability to think clearly and process information. It is important to understand that a player does not have to lose consciousness to have a concussion.
  4. The effects of concussion evolve or change over time. Whilst in most cases, symptoms improve, in some cases, effects can worsen in the few hours after the initial injury. It is important that a player suspected of sustaining a concussion be monitored for worsening effects and be assessed by a medical professional as soon as possible after the injury.
  5. The risk of complications is thought to increase when a player returns to sport before being fully recovered. This is why it is important to recognise a concussion and ensure the player only returns when they have fully recovered

Hockey Australia Concussion Policy

Hockey Australia Concussion Tool Kit

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