
Southern River HC

Hin2H @Hawks

Southern River Hookin2Hockey @Hawks provides

Fun game based skills development for Pre-Kindy (3 year old's) to Year 4 students.

(For players in Year 5 and older : Juniors)

Focuses on skill development in a fun game-based environment.


This year's Hook in2 Hockey @Hawks will commence in Term 2


 Register Now



14 Sessions Term 2 & 3 : Early Saturday Morning

on Grass and some sessions on Turf

JUNIOR | Hin2H - Schedule

No sessions on Long Weekends and School Holidays

10 min Warm Up

30 min Skills training

20 min small informal games

Teams of 8 -12 players based on age, where possible placed with friends



Essential Uniform:

Club Playing Shirt or Dark Blue/Black Shirt for Saturday Training

Dark Blue/Black Short

Club Socks

Competitions/Carnivals: Club Playing Shirt

Order online Uniform Shop 

Players gear:

Shin Pads, Sport Shoes

 Mouth Guard

Hockey Stick


Parent Involvement Needed!

Hookin2Hockey @Hawks relies on the enthusiasm and support of parents to help coach our teams. If you are interested and willing to coach a team this season, please email the VP Juniors.

You will be placed as the coach for your child’s team. No hockey experience is needed; it’s all about encouraging the kids to have fun and participate.

We will provide you with resources to help with basic skills and training drills.


 Carnival Days are planned for this year: TBC

Term 2: Goldstix Carnival Term 2 TBC at minimal additional cost

Term 3:Goldstix Carnival Term 3 TBC at minimal additional cost


Southern River is a growing & progressive club.  Our aim is to provide hockey to all members of our community in a family friendly environment.


More questions please email our  Vice President Juniors



All Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 with a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card can apply for Kidsport 

Kidsport is to be used for SRHC membership fees and Players uniforms/essentials equipment available to buy from the club. (Equipment boaght from Hin2H not include)
Events/Programs/Clinics and Summer Hockey is excluded.

Forward your Voucher to our Treasurer to Apply Discount

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